This too shall pass

This too shall pass @ Gallery 46, Whitechapel, London
Photo credit: Juice

Bakelite telephone sound installation

This is an interactive work that repurposes a 1950s Bell Manufacturing Company telephone to engage with the perceptive process of change.

The work aims to cultivate a self-reflexive mode of attention, by displacing sound in time and subjecting it to a recursive disintegration that foregrounds the listenerโ€™s experience of and relationship to the dissolution of sounds that have recently passed through echoic memory.

By codifying the experience of impermanence into a subjective event, the possibility for a non-conceptual metacognitive engagement with the perceptive process of change arises, something akin to what Henri Bergson has described as interfacing with the flow of duration.

It consists of a Pure Data patch running on a Bela board ( with an HC-SR04 proximity sensor, force sensing resistor, electret mic and 2 small speaker cones.


Pure Data Patch/score:

Link to GitHub repo